Wednesday, February 16, 2011

M's 4th birthday party!

Saturday we had a birthday party for my sweet girl "M". She had been feeling sick that week, so we weren't sure it was going to happen, but she made it!

I had been all excited for cake month, but it has been really hard! So many things went poorly! The egg free cakes are a disaster! So with doing cupcakes this time, I thought that they would be fine. When I make them in a pan and then flip them out they fall apart. So I thought that cupcakes were the way to go.

Not so much.
I thought the wrapper would hold it together. Nope. So I scrambled then to make some more cupcakes the morning of the party, while trying to salvage a couple of the egg free ones so that "C" could have some too. So I made them all jumbo, instead of some jumbo and some regular. Oh and the day before, or maybe 2 days before I made this cupcake stand.

I also made this birthday banner.

I told my husband that all the disastrous cake days made me feel like maybe I shouldn't do this anymore. Then later I thought, well if I can pull off a win from a disaster, maybe I am ok at this!

So they turned out pretty well, and as always they were yummy!! My birthday girl loved them, and that's the most important thing!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she is four already!
    Love how your cupcakes turned out. They're beautiful! And the stand is perfect.
